Dr. Alan Dupont AO is founder and Chief Executive Officer of the Cognoscenti Group. He is also Defence and National Security Advocate for the Northern Territory Government. One of Australia’s best-known strategists he has an international reputation for his expertise on geopolitical risk, defence and national security having worked extensively at the interface of security, politics, business and technology.
Alan has held many board and advisory positions in government and the corporate sector including with the Northern Territory Government, Asia Society, the Australian Strategic Policy Institute, Outcomes Australia and CQS, a prominent European Hedge Fund. He has advised several Australian ministers of defence and foreign affairs and in 2013/14 he established and led the Abbott Government’s Defence White Paper team. Alan has received commendations for his work from the Foreign Minister of Japan and the President of Timor-Leste and was named by the Australian Financial Review as one of Australia’s leading strategists. In 2019, he was made an Officer in the Order of Australia for “distinguished service to the international community through security analysis and strategic policy development.”
Following 25 years of service in government as an Army officer, intelligence analyst and diplomat Alan distinguished himself as an academic entrepreneur and scholar. The author of more than 100 books, monographs and articles on defence and international security, his path breaking study of the non-military, transnational challenges to East Asia’s security for Cambridge University Press (East Asia Imperilled) is generally acknowledged to be one of the authoritative academic works in the field. Alan held joint professorial appointments in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences and the Business School at the University of NSW from 2012-16. Prior to that (2006-12) he was the inaugural holder of the Michael Hintze Chair in International Security at the University of Sydney, Director of the Centre for International Security Studies and start-up CEO of the United States Studies Centre.
Alan is a columnist and Contributing National Security Editor for The Australian newspaper and frequently comments on defence and security issues for the media. He has been interviewed for most Asian dailies as well as leading newspapers in the US and Europe including the New York Times, Washington Post, Financial Times, Le Monde and the Wall Street Journal. Alan holds a PhD in international relations from the Australian National University and is a graduate of the Royal Military College Duntroon and the US Foreign Service Institute. He is a non-resident Senior Fellow at the Atlantic Council in Washington and the Lowy Institute in Sydney.

PhD in International Relations, Australian National University.
Master of Arts in International Relations, Australian National University.
Bachelor of Arts, University of NSW and Bachelor of Arts (Honours), ANU.
Intermediate level Korean, Indonesian and Spanish languages.
Graduate of the United States Foreign Service Institute.
Graduate of the Royal Military College Duntroon.
Appointed as Northern Territory Defence and National Security Advocate
Appointed as Advisory Councillor for Asia Society Australia
Appointed as an Officer in the Order of Australia in the 2019 Queens Birthday Honours for distinguished service to the international community through security analysis and strategic policy development
Commendation by the Japanese Foreign Minister presented by the Ambassador of Japan to Australia, HE Mr Hideaki Ueda
Linkage Industry Fellowship (Awarded by the Australian Research Council)
University prize for English Literature
University Post Graduate Course Award
Commonwealth Scholarship
Royal Military College Duntroon Scholarship

- ‘Heating up the Planet: Climate Change and Security’, co-authored with Dr. Graeme Pearman (Monash University), Lowy Institute Paper 013, June 2006, pp. 1-143.
- ‘Unsheathing the Samurai Sword: Japan’s Changing Security Policy’, Lowy Institute Paper 003, November 2004, pp.1-85.
- East Asia Imperilled: Transnational Challenges to Security, (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2001), 336pp.
- ‘The Environment and Security in Pacific Asia’, Adelphi Paper 319, (Oxford University Press for the International Institute of Strategic Studies, London, 1998), pp.1-94.
- ‘Australia’s Relations with the Republic of Korea: An Emerging Partnership’, Australia-Asia Papers No.58, February 1992, (Centre for the Study of Australia-Asia Relations, Griffith University), pp.1-49.
- ‘Australia’s Security Interests in Northeast Asia’, Canberra Papers on Strategy and Defence No.84, 1991, (Strategic and Defence Studies Centre, Australian National University, Canberra), pp.1-119.
- ‘Australia’s Threat Perceptions: A Search for Security’, Canberra Papers on Strategy and Defence No.82, 1991, (Strategic and Defence Studies Centre, Australian National University, Canberra), pp.1-105.
- ‘Maritime Disputes in the South China Sea’, in Hiebert, Murray, Nguyen, Phuong and Polling, Gregory B., (eds.), Perspectives on the South China Sea: Diplomatic, Legal and Security Dimensions of the Dispute, (Rowman & Littlefield, New York, 2014), pp.45-53.
- ‘The Strategic Implications of Climate Change’ in William T. Tow and Chin Kin Wah (eds.) Towards Closer Engagement in a New Asia, (ISEAS Publishing Singapore, 2009), pp. 129-150.
- ‘Transnational Security’ in Robert Ayson and Desmond Ball (eds.), Strategy and Security in the Asia Pacific, (Allen and Unwin, Crows Nest NSW, 2006), pp. 103-120.
- ‘Transnational Violence in the Asia Pacific: An Overview of Current Trends’, in Paul J. Smith (ed.), Terrorism and Violence in Southeast Asia: Transnational Challenges to States and Regional Stability, (ME Sharpe, Armonk, New York, 2004), pp. 3-18.
- ‘The Strategic Implications of an Independent East Timor’, in James J. Fox and Dionisio Babo Soares, (eds.), Out of the Ashes: Destruction and Reconstruction of East Timor, (Crawford House Publishing, Adelaide, Australia, 2000), pp. 192-203.
- ‘Maritime Environmental Security’, in David Wilson and Dick Sherwood, (eds.), Ocean Governance and Maritime Strategy, (Allen and Unwin, St. Leonards, NSW, 2000), pp. 129-138.
- ‘Force Modernization and Security Dilemmas in Southeast Asia’, in Jeffrey A. Larsen and Thomas D. Miller, (eds.), Arms Control in the Asia-Pacific Region, (USAF Institute for National Security Studies, US Air Force Academy, Colorado, August 1999), pp. 183-194.
- ‘The Future of the ASEAN Regional Forum: An Australian Perspective’, in Khoo How San, (ed.), The Future of the ARF, (Institute of Defence and Strategic Studies, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, 1999), pp.31-48.
- ‘Preventive Diplomacy and Transnational Security Issues’, in Desmond Ball and Amitav Acharya, (eds,), The Next Stage: Preventive Diplomacy and Security Cooperation in the Asia-Pacific Region, (Strategic and Defence Studies Centre, Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, The Australian National University Canberra in association with The Institute of Defence and Strategic Studies, Nanyang Technological University, The Republic of Singapore, 1999), pp.157-172.
- ‘New Dimensions of Security’, in Denny Roy, (ed.), The New Security Agenda in the Asia-Pacific Region, (Macmillan Press, Hampshire, 1997), pp.31-50.
- Lusthaus, Jonathan Industry of Anonymity: Insider the Business of Cybercrime, The Weekend Australian, Review, June 15-16, 2019
- Homer-Dixon, Thomas, The Upside of Down, The Weekend Australian, Book Review, July 21-22, 2007 p.12.
- Camilleri, Joseph A., Regionalism in the New Asia-Pacific Order: The Political Economy of the Asia-Pacific Region, Volume II (Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK, 2003) for Global Change, Peace & Security, vol. 16, no.3, October 2004, pp.262-264.
- Narine, Shaune Explaining ASEAN: Regionalism in Southeast Asia (Boulder, Colorado and London, Lynne Reiner Publishers, 2002) for Contemporary Southeast Asia, vol. 25, no.1 April 2003, pp.157-159.
- Tow, William T. Asia-Pacific Strategic Relations: Seeking Convergent Security, (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2001) for the Australian Journal of International Affairs, vol.57, no.1, April 2003, pp.133-155.
- Catley, Bob and Dugis, Vinsensio, Australian Indonesian Relations since 1945: The Garuda and the Kangaroo; (Ashgate, Aldershot, UK, 1998), for the Australian Journal of Political Science, vol.35, no.2, June 2000, p. 347.
- Alagappa, Muttiah (ed.), Asian Security Practice: Material and Ideational Influences, (Stanford University Press, Stanford University, 1998), for the Journal of Asian Studies, vol.58, no.3, August 1999, pp.774-775.
- Lingle, Christopher The Rise and Decline of the Asian Century: False Starts on the Path to the Global Millennium, (Asia 2000, Hong Kong,1997), for Survival, vol.40, no.4, Winter 1998/99, pp.197-198.
- McDougall, Derek The International Politics of the New Asia Pacific, (Lynne Rienner, Boulder, Colorado, 1997), for the Australian Journal of International Affairs, vol.52, no.3, November 1998, pp.353-354.
- Bell, Roger, McDonald, Tim and Tidwell, Alan (eds), Negotiating the Pacific Century – The ‘New’ Asia, the United States and Australia, (Allen and Unwin in association with the Australian Centre for American Studies, St. Leonards, NSW, 1996), for Contemporary Southeast Asia, Vol.19, No2, September 1997, pp.205-209.
- Davis, M. Jane (ed.), Security Issues in the Post-Cold War World, (Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK, 1996), for the Australian Journal of International Affairs, Vol.51, No.2, 1997, pp.278-279.
- Co-authored with Christopher G. Baker, ‘East Asia’s Maritime Disputes: Fishing in Troubled Waters’, The Washington Quarterly, vol. 37, no.1, March 2014, pp.79-98.
- ‘An Asian Security Standoff’, The National Interest, A Special Issue, May/June 2012, pp.1-8.
- Co-authored with Professor William J. Reckmeyer, ‘Australia’s national security priorities: addressing strategic risk in a globalised world’, Australian Journal of International Affairs, vol.66, no.1, February 2012, pp.34-51.
- ‘America in Asia: The Pacific Power’, American Review, Issue 6, 2011, pp.1-7.
- Co-authored with Mark Thirlwell ‘Are We Entering a New Era of Food Insecurity?’, Survival, vol.51, no.3, June-July 2009, pp.71-98.
- ‘The Strategic Implications of Climate Change’, Survival, vol. 50, no. 3, June-July 2008, pp. 29-54.
- ‘Japan: The Schizophrenic Superpower, The National Interest, Number 79, Spring 2005, pp. 43-51.
- ‘Intelligence for the Twenty First Century’, lead article in special edition of Intelligence and National Security, vol.18, no.4, Winter, 2003, pp.15-39.
- ‘Transformation or Stagnation: Rethinking Australian Defence’, Australian Journal of International Affairs, vol.57, no.1, April 2003, pp.55-76.
- ‘The Kopassus Dilemma: Should Australia Re-engage?’ Agenda, vol.10, no.1, 2003, pp.19-26.
- ‘ASEAN’s Response to the East Timor Crisis’, The Australian Journal of International Affairs, vol 54, no.2, July 2000, pp. 163-170.
- ‘East Timor’s Failure: Penury or Prosperity?’, Communication, Pacifica Review, vol.12, no.1, February 2000, pp.86-91
- ‘Food, Water and Security: What Are The Connections?’, Food, Water and War: Security in a World of Conflict, (The Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research Monograph No.73, Canberra, Australia, 15 August 2000), pp.39-59.
- ‘Transnational Crime, Drugs and Security in East Asia’, Asian Survey, vol. 39, no.3, May/June 1999, pp.433-455.
- ‘Unregulated Population Flows in East Asia: A New Security Dilemma?, Pacifica Review, vol.9, no.1, May/June 1997, pp.1-22.
- ‘Indonesian Defence Strategy and Security: Time for a Rethink?’, Contemporary Southeast Asia, vol.18, no.3, December 1996, pp.275-297.
- ‘The Australia-Indonesia Security Agreement’, Australian Quarterly, vol. 68, no. 2, Winter 1996, pp. 49-62. (Refereed journal). A revised version was subsequently published in The Indonesian Quarterly, vol.24, no.2, Second Quarter 1996.
- ‘Is There An Asian Way’?, Survival, vol. 38, no. 2, Summer 1996, pp.13-33.
- ‘Mitigating The New Cold War: Managing US-China trade, tech and geopolitical rivalry’, Centre for Independent Studies, May 2020, pp. 1-58.
- ‘When Turnbull meets Trump’, Lowy Policy Brief, May 2017, pp.1-11.
- ‘Full spectrum defence: rethinking the fundamentals of Australian defence strategy’, Lowy Institute Analysis, March 2015, pp.1-17.
- Report on Food Security in Asia: A Report for Policymakers, co-authored with Project Team for the MacArthur Foundation’s Asia Security Initiative, Centre for International Security Studies, The University of Sydney, February 2013, pp.1-32.
- ‘Inflexion Point: The Australian Defence Force After Afghanistan’, Lowy Institute Policy Brief, March 2012, pp.1-12.
- ‘Living with the dragon: why Australia needs a China strategy’, Lowy Institute Policy Brief, June 2011, pp.1-12.
- Report on Assessing National Security Risk: An Integrated Methodological Framework for Australia’, co-authored with Professor William J. Reckmeyer (Stanford University) for Australia’s National Security Advisor, Mr. Duncan Lewis, May 2010.
- Report on Managing the Terrorist Threat from Southeast Asia: A Strategic Response, co-authored with Dr. Leanne Piggott (University of Sydney) for The Australian Federal Police, April 2009.
- Lead author on the national security implications of climate change in The Garnaut Climate Change Review, (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2008)
- ‘Grand Strategy, National Security and the Australian Defence Force, Lowy Institute Perspectives, May 2005, pp.1-8.
- Report on The Security of East Timor in the Regional Context, Portuguese Institute of International and Strategic Studies (IEEI), Lisbon, June 2002, pp.1-86. (Report contributor).
- ‘Refugees and illegal migrants in the Asia-Pacific region’, in Christian Reus Smit (ed.), Refugees and the Myth of the Borderless World, Keynotes, no.2, February 2002, pp.9-15.
- Report on Australia’s Future Defence and Security Relationship with East Timor, Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI), Canberra, May 2002, pp.1-48. (Report contributor).
- Report on HIV/AIDS: A Major International Security Issue, for the Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, Asia Pacific Ministerial Meeting, Melbourne, 9-10 October 2001, pp.1-11.
- ‘The Future of the ASEAN Regional Forum: An Australian View’, Working Paper No.321, May 1998, (Strategic and Defence Studies Centre, Australian National University), pp.1-14.
- ‘Australia and the Concept of National Security’, Working Paper No.206, May 1990, (Strategic and Defence Studies Centre, Australian National University), pp.1-16.
- ‘The Virtues of the US Alliance’, The Sydney Papers, (The Sydney Institute Publications Pty. Limited, Sydney) Spring 2007, vol. 19 no. 4 pp. 53-58.
- ‘Implications of global climate change for international security’, address delivered at the Institution’s 119th Anniversary Dinner on 17 August 2007, The Journal of The Royal United Service Institution of New South Wales, vol.58, no.4, December 2007, pp.13-16.
- ‘Public Health and International Security’, Future Summit 2006 Task Force Report, The Australian Davos Connection, May 2006, pp.1-6.
- ‘Recalibrating Australian Defence’, The Sydney Papers, vol.15, no.2, Autumn 2003, pp.102-110.
- Keynote paper, ‘Will there be Water Wars?’, to the Conference on Water Security and Conflict in the 21st Century, an initiative of the ANU’s National Institute for the Environment, National Institute for Asia and the Pacific and AusAID, Canberra, 19-20 August 2003.
- ‘Fighting Avian Flu: Addressing the Problems’, in Mohamed Jawhar Hassan, (eds.), Asia Pacific Security: Challenges and Opportunities in the 21st Century, (ISIS Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, 2003).
- ‘Energy and Water: Meeting Future Challenges’ in Mohamed Jawhar Hassan, Stephen Leong and Vincent Lim (eds.), Asia Pacific Security: Challenges and Opportunities in the 21st Century, (ISIS Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, 2002), pp.539-553.
- ‘Non-traditional threats to Thailand’, in Cavan Hogue (ed.), Thailand, Australia & The Region, Proceedings of the Thai Update 2001, 26-27 April 2001, (National Thai Studies Centre, The Australian National University), April 2002, pp.93-105.
- ‘Intelligence: Strategic Trends, Issues and Implications for Australia’, in Desmond Ball, (ed.) Maintaining the Strategic Edge: The Defence of Australia in 2015, Canberra Papers on Strategy and Defence No.133, (Strategic and Defence Studies Centre, Australian National University, Canberra, 1999), pp.355-380.
- ‘New Security and Defence Cooperation’, in Idris.F.Sulaiman, G. Hanafi Sofyan and Shannon Luke Smith (eds.), Bridging the Arafura Sea: Australia-Indonesia Relations in Prosperity and Adversity,(National Centre for Development Studies, Development Issues Series No.10, Australian National University, Canberra, 1998), pp.52-58.
- ‘Environmental Conflict in East Asia: Some Issues for the Region’ and Introduction in Alan Dupont, (ed.), The Environment and Security: What are the Linkages?, Canberra Paper on Strategy and Defence No.125, (Strategic and Defence Studies Centre, Australian National University, Canberra, 1998), pp.1-6, and pp.23-33.
- ‘The Asian Economic Crisis: Prospects for Governments and Internal Security’, in The Asian Currency Crisis: Report on a Seminar on the Asian Currency Crisis and its Effect on Australia, (Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade, 19 March 1998), pp.59-68.
- ‘Environmental Challenges To The Security of East Asia’, in Mohamed Jawhar Hassan, (ed.), ‘A Pacific Peace: Issues and Responses’, (ISIS Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, 1998), pp. 505-522.
- ‘Environmental Security For The Asia-Pacific Region’, in Kent H. Butts, Environmental Change and Regional Security, (Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies, Honolulu, Hawaii, September 1997), pp.V-8 to V-25.
- ‘Population Movements: Impact on Politics, Society, Economics and Security,’ in Mohamed Jawhar Hassan Thangam Ramnath, (ed.), Bringing Peace To The Pacific, (ISIS Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, 1997), pp.621-633.
- ‘Comprehensive Security and The Issue of Migration and Ethnic Conflict’, in Mohamed Jawhar Hassan Thangam Ramnath, (ed.), Conceptualising Asia-Pacific Security, (ISIS Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, 1996), pp.67-80.
- ‘Regional Security Concerns into the 21st Century’, in John Ciccarelli, (ed.), Transnational Crime: A New Security Threat? (Australian Defence Studies Centre, Australian Defence Forces Academy, Canberra, 1996), pp.71-77.
- ‘Potential Linkages Between Economic and Regional Security Fora: ASEAN and Northeast Asia,’ in Hadi Soesastro and Anthony Bergin, (eds.), The Role of Security and Economic Cooperation Structures In The Asia Pacific Region: Indonesian and Australian Views, (The Center for Strategic and International Studies, Jakarta, in cooperation with the Australian Defence Studies Centre, Canberra, 1996), pp.59-65.
- ‘Australia and Southeast Asia: Comprehensive Engagement’, in Dipankar Bannerjee, (ed.), Towards An Era Of Cooperation: An Indo-Australian Dialogue, (The Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses, New Delhi, 1995), pp.172-182.
- ‘Concepts of Security’, in Jim Rolfe (ed.), Unresolved Futures: Comprehensive Security in the Asia-Pacific, (Centre for Strategic Studies, Wellington, New Zealand, 1995), pp.1-15.
- Hinrich Foundation Research Fellow, 15 June, 2020.
- Non-Resident Senior Fellow, Atlantic Council (Washington), 22 March, 2016. View page.
- Adjunct Professor of International Security, University of NSW (Sydney), 26 February, 2016.
- Northern Territory Strategic Defence Advisory Board, July 2015.
- Contributing National Security Editor, The Australian Newspaper, 2015.
- Leader of the 2016 Defence White Paper Team, 1 Dec 2013 -1 Mar 2014.
- Steering Committee, Australian Academy of Science, Climate Change Think Tank For High Flyers, March-July, 2014.
- Ministerial Advisor to the Minister of Defence, Senator David Johnston, 2013-2014.
- Senior Advisory Group of the Indonesia-Australia Defence Alumni Association, 1 March 2012.
- Strategic Security Adviser to the Board of Outcomes Australia, 17 October 2012.
- Board of Outcomes Australia, 22 June 2011-17 October 2012.
- Board of the Australia Army Journal, 20 August 2010-1 December 2012.
- Examiner for the Wentworth Medal and John Elliott Medals, Board of Examiners, University of Sydney, 31 October 2008-1 February 2009.
- Start Up CEO of the United States Studies Centre, 9 July 2007-31 March 2008.
- Board of Advisers of The Sydney Globalist June 2007-February 2012.
- Director of the United States Studies Centre, 14 November 2006-6 June 2007; and 13 September 2007-31 March 2008.
- Chairman of ‘Vision 27’, blueprint for Timor Leste’s future economic development and security over the next twenty years, 3 October 2006-3 October 2008.
- Global Advisory Forum of CQS, Europe’s leading asset management company, August 2006-March 2014.
- Defence and National Security Advisory Council, 7 July 2006-November 2007.
- Foundation Director of the Centre for International Security Studies, The University of Sydney, 3 July 2006-20 February 2012.
- Inaugural holder of the Michael Hintze Chair, The University of Sydney, 3 July 2006-20 February 2012.
- Non-Resident Fellow, Lowy Institute for International Policy, 1 July 2006.
- Management Board of the Land Warfare Studies Centre, July 2005-August 2010.
- Senior Fellow, Lowy Institute for International Policy, December 2003- June 2006. View page.
- Foreign Affairs Council, August 2003-November 2007.
- Council of the Australian Strategic Policy Institute, May 2003-November 2009.
- Director, Dupont Consulting, 2003.
- Australian representative on the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) Register of Experts and Eminent Persons, April 2002.
- Special advisor on foreign policy to East Timor’s Foreign Minister, President and Nobel laureate, HE Mr Jose Ramos Horta, November 2001-December 2006.
- Australian Committee to the Council for Security Cooperation in the Asia Pacific (CSCAP).
- Strategic and Defence Studies Centre Editorial Board, 2002-2003.
- Higher education representative to the ACT Accreditation and Registration Council 1999-2001.
- Australian representative to the ASEAN Regional Forum Working Group on Preventive Diplomacy,1998-2002.
- Director, Dupont and Associates, 1995 to 2003.
- Counsellor, Australian Embassy Jakarta, Indonesia, 1991-1994.
- First Secretary, Australian Embassy Seoul, Republic of Korea, 1984-1987.
- Freelance journalist, South America, 1980.
- Senior military analyst for Thailand, Burma, Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos in the Joint Intelligence Organisation, 1974-1979.
- Administrator, National Iranian Oil Company, London, UK, 1973-1974.
- Platoon Commander and Company Second in Command, 4 Royal Australian Regiment, 1972-1973.
Alan Dupont is a man of integrity, he has served Australia well in many ways. He has strong academic credentials as well as being able to apply practical common sense to geopolitical problems. He is an articulate and effective communicator. As a member of the CQS Advisory Board he was extremely valuable in giving insight and context to a number of investment opportunities. Furthermore he worked successfully with our client base on these issues. He is a good man to have on your side.
Sir Michael Hintze, AM. Founder, CEO and CIO of CQS
Just a quick note to say thank you for your contribution as a panellist in the discussion on the Impacts of Climate Change at the Climate Change Summit on Saturday. Your comments about the security implications of climate change struck a chord with me and judging by the media coverage they received have resonated more broadly as well. I really appreciate you giving up a full day of your weekend to share your expertise at the Summit.
Kevin Rudd MP. Former Prime Minister
I wish to extend my thanks for your presentation to the IFS team. I have received some overwhelmingly positive feedback from our country heads. Your session was extremely useful in setting the context for our discussions on future plans for the region.
Chris Barnes. General Manager of Business Development, International Financial Services, Commonwealth Bank of Australia
Thank you so much for speaking at the Business and Sustainability Summit. This is not just a personal “thank you” from me, it is a joint message from Rob Purves, EBA’s Chairman, and our other directors. It is also a vote of thanks from the delegates who attended the summit – the feedback has been outstanding and your contribution and your ideas rank high in the vast number of phone calls and emails I have been receiving.
Fiona Wain. CEO, Environment Business Australia
Over the many years that I have engaged with Alan I have always been impressed by his level of frankness, accuracy, reliability and professionalism. Alan has always demonstrated sound strategic advice and considerable knowledge and insight into geopolitical considerations. Alan has been a trusted and reliable adviser and confidant as to the subtleties of our strategic posture and policy, particularly across South East Asia and East Asia. I valued his opinions such that as Minister for Defence I continued to seek his overview advice on many of the general strategic perspectives arising day to day.
Senator the Honorable David Johnston. Senator for Western Australia, Minister of Defence (2013-14)
Alan Dupont has extensively shaped Government, political, public and intellectual thought for many decades. His training as a professional intelligence analyst shows in the wide scope of his work and his ability to analyse complex problems and then derive sound solutions and strategies. He has cultivated a broad base of regional and global colleagues who closely monitor geopolitical developments. His interaction with them and extensive travel keeps him on the leading edge of strategic thought and allows him to provide clear and articulate advice and counsel. I have known Alan for over 40 years and know him to be a man of impeccable character and outstanding judgement.
Lieutenant General Peter Leahy AC (Retired). Former Chief of the Australian Army
Thank you again for leading the roundtable discussion on climate change and national security last month. The meeting was excellent and I’ve received fantastic feedback from members.
Michael A Levi. Council on Foreign Relations, New York
Your time and expertise is greatly appreciated and we’re please that CEDA was able to facilitate this fruitful meeting and exchange between you and CEDA’s Sydney Trustees.
Dr Suzanne Rickard. State Director NSW & ACT, Committee for Economic Development of Australia
Your experience in the Asia-Pacific region, coupled with your willingness to directly share your views and personal experiences, was instrumental in helping make the session a success. I have had many comments from the Board expressing their pleasure with both the direct nature of your comments and the value they added to the overall discussion.
Wes Bush. Chairman and CEO, Northrop Grumman
Alan Dupont is one of Australia’s most significant strategic thinkers. In a career spanning government, business, universities and think tanks, he has helped transform the way Australians understand their security. Combining a deep knowledge of Australia’s region (and an impressive network of contacts there) with the capacity to work with experts from a wide range of different disciplines he has led the way in the development of a genuinely comprehensive view of Australia’s defence and security environment.
Allan Gyngell, AO. Former foreign policy advisor to Prime Minister Paul Keating and Director General of the Office of National Assessments